This journey is a bit different -- a discovery and ongoing learning process of converting a pasture to a native forest and wildflower meadow. Over the past four years I have planted over 400 trees and shrubs, and planted two meadows after testing methods of removing invasive grasses, on about two acres. This is a work very much in progress! It's also tremendously satisfying to see what comes up each spring, and to discover new buds and growth on the various tree species.
Here are a few photos, plus a link to a full description of the project
Over time half the field was converted from grasses to wildflowers. The other half is a mix of conifers, deciduous trees, and shrubs.
The field before conversion
The field before conversion
Preparing for plants
Preparing for plants
A cover of Baby Blue Bells
A cover of Baby Blue Bells
Nodding Onions
Nodding Onions
Blue-eyed Grass
Blue-eyed Grass
Big-leaf Lupine
Big-leaf Lupine
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